New Product Launch: Succession Planning and Talent Management Tool


In today’s dynamic business environment, forward-thinking organizations recognize the importance of nurturing leadership within their ranks, especially when sudden departures can cost organizations up to 4x the employee’s salary. Additionally, the loss of company knowledge and the added stress for the rest of the team can lead to other downsides from an unplanned exit. 

To meet this need, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our groundbreaking Succession Planning and Talent Management Tool. Designed for both HR/Talent executives and their employees, this innovative solution streamlines the development of succession pipelines, focusing on high-performing and high-potential employees.

Key Features

Our tool integrates several key features that make it a must-have for any organization focused on strategic internal talent development:

  1. Employee Assessments: Through comprehensive assessments developed by organizational psychologists from leading companies like Nike, employees can identify their strengths–and learn how to leverage them– as well as their areas for improvement. Through GeniusMesh’s hundreds of thousands of leader profiles, employees will also get an insight into how their leadership trait competencies compare to those of others in their career goal positions. 
  2. Customized Development Plans: Based on an employee’s assessment results, our AI-powered tool generates customized leadership trait development plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs. Your company can also add its own action items for employees, as well as cross-team developmental projects to help improve different technical skills.
  3. Executive Coaching: We partner with top-tier executive coaches to provide both group and one-on-one coaching sessions, ensuring that your leaders receive expert guidance and support.
  4. Industry Expert Connections: Our tool facilitates connections with industry experts through various events, enhancing networking opportunities and providing invaluable industry insights.
  5. Succession Pipeline Management:  Our tool includes a simple UI for creating and managing succession pipelines, knowing that any unplanned exit has an internal employee ready to help take over. 


  1. Targeted Development: By leveraging GeniusMesh’s assessment, your team can discover high-performing employees with high potential, and efficiently allocate your limited resources to nurture future leaders in the ways they need.
  2. Enhanced Engagement: Personalized development plans and direct coaching from the best executive coaches will significantly increase employee engagement, commitment, and job satisfaction.
  3. Strategic Succession: The impact of losing key executives who are essential to achieving corporate success can directly affect a company’s revenue, reduce employee engagement, and increase talent churn. With our tool, you can seamlessly create and manage your succession pipeline, ensuring that your organization is prepared for future leadership transitions without the high price tag.


Embrace the future of talent development with our new Succession Planning and Talent Management Tool. Designed to empower HR professionals and foster internal leadership potential, this tool is your next step towards building a robust, future-ready organization. To learn more, please email for a demo!